Sebuah Surat Dari Chatri Sityodtong

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Berikut adalah surel yang dikirimkan oleh Chairman dan CEO ONE Championship, Chatri Sityodtong, dalam bahasa Inggris, terkait keputusan yang harus diambil dalam masa yang tak menentu ini.

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. The world is suffering from the single worst economic crisis in a hundred years due to COVID-19. After weeks of consultation with both our leadership team and our Board of Directors, I have made the decision to future-proof ONE Championship by both streamlining operations and sharpening core strategic priorities.

It is one of the most heart-wrenching decisions I have ever had to make in life. On the one hand, ONE has a strong balance sheet with a 9 digit war chest after today’s new funding announcement. It puts us in the perfect position to continue aggressively building Asia’s largest global sports media property. On the other hand, these extraordinary times for the world require unusual prudence to protect our Company and to ensure its longevity for many years to come. With the decision to sharpen our focus around core strategic priorities, ONE will undergo a 20% reduction in total worldwide headcount.

I am truly sorry to our teammates who will be leaving us today. You are all superstars. Please know that I appreciate everything you have given to our dream. This workforce reduction is a reflection of the global macroeconomic environment and the need to sharpen core priorities. It is not a reflection of your work, your skills, or your passion. I know that all of you will go on to do extraordinary things in life. Your legacy will live forever in everything we do. Without a doubt, ONE Championship would not be where it is today without your blood, sweat and tears. I wish you continued success and happiness for your next adventure. Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart.

In the spirit of gratitude, we did our best to smoothen the transition for you. For those of you leaving today:

  • You will receive standard 1 month notice pay.
  • You will also receive 1 month pay for every year of service, prorated on a quarterly basis.
  • For example, if you worked for ONE for 5 years in Singapore, you will receive 6 months pay.
  • For stock option holders, you will receive a 12 month extension to exercise your vested stock options.
  • Your healthcare coverage will continue until the end of the year.
  • We have hired a top HR consultancy (Hudson HR) to help you with job opportunities, interview skills, and CV management.
  • ONE will pay for flights back to your home country for you and your family.
  • You are permitted to keep your laptop permanently for your job search and beyond.
  • Your leaders will help with job referrals through our individual networks.
  • Your leaders will provide references upon request.
  • For Singapore-based employees, your gym membership will continue until the end of the year.

Immediately after our Company Meeting, our leaders will start 1-on-1 virtual video meetings throughout the day with every person impacted by this workforce reduction. We had hoped to do everything in person and face-to-face, but the current lockdown in Singapore has made it impossible to do so. With all of us stuck in our respective homes, we will do our best to treat everyone with dignity and compassion. Please note that, if you do not receive a call by 7pm Singapore Time today, you will not be part of this workforce reduction.

While this is a sad day for all of us, I want to assure everyone that the fundamentals of our Company remain unchanged. Like other global sports media properties such as the NBA or the EPL, ONE is an IP heavy, asset light, global platform business. As Asia’s only billion dollar sports media property at global scale, ONE has a rare and dominant position in our industry. Our institutional investors understand these qualities deeply and continue to show unwavering support as witnessed by today’s capital raise announcement.

For me, today is one of the saddest days since I started ONE Championship. To everyone who has ever been a part of the ONE Championship story, please accept my most heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for everything. Tears, laughter, dreams, and love forged our magical memories together. No one can deny us of our greatness. No one can deny us of everything we have achieved together. No one can deny us of the hope, strength, dreams, and inspiration we have given to the world.

We are ONE. We will always be ONE.


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