एड्रियन पैंग के बारे में
Legend Lightweight Champion Adrian Pang was born in Papua New Guinea and grew up in Kokopo, where he and his brother were brought up in an incredibly rough environment surrounded by violence. In search of a better life, his family moved to Australia when he was 13 years old, and he has been living there ever since.
However, it was not until after being forced to defend himself in schoolyard scuffles that his life would truly change for the better. That is when he discovered kung fu and martial arts, instantly falling in love with it before training almost every single day to this day. His passion for kung fu would continue until he saw Royce Gracie’s famed exploits on video, which is when he decided to add Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to his daily regimen.
Upon turning professional, Pang then went on a highly successful run that saw him become Australia’s number one lightweight, winning several titles including the XFC, CFC, Warriors Realm, and Legend Lightweight Championships in the process. This earned him a contract with ONE Championship, where Pang instantly made an impact with consecutive victories over top opponents, and he has been entertaining crowds with his thrilling all-action style ever since.
ONE Championship रिकॉर्ड्स
इवेंट के रिजल्ट्स
रिजल्ट | तरीका | राउंड | तरीका और राउंड | प्रतिद्वंद्वी | प्रतिद्वंद्वी और इवेंट | देश | तारीख | इवेंट | |||
तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO)
राउंड 2 (1:27)
तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO)
राउंड 2 (1:27)
राउंड 2 (1:27) |
काज़ुकी टोकुडोमजापान
जापान |
Warriors Of Light |
तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO)
राउंड 1 (5:00)
तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO)
राउंड 1 (5:00)
राउंड 1 (5:00) |
कोटा शिमोइशीजापान
जापान |
Heart of The Lion |
विभाजित निर्णय
राउंड 3
विभाजित निर्णय
राउंड 3
राउंड 3 |
होनोरियो बानारियोफिलीपींस
फिलीपींस |
Heroes of Honor |
सर्वसम्मत निर्णय
राउंड 3
सर्वसम्मत निर्णय
राउंड 3
राउंड 3 |
अमीर खानसिंगापुर
सिंगापुर |
Immortal Pursuit |
विभाजित निर्णय
राउंड 3 (5:00)
विभाजित निर्णय
राउंड 3 (5:00)
राउंड 3 (5:00) |
Roger Huertaथाईलैंड
थाईलैंड |
Defending Honor |
सर्वसम्मत निर्णय
राउंड 3 (5:00)
सर्वसम्मत निर्णय
राउंड 3 (5:00)
राउंड 3 (5:00) |
एडुअर्ड फोलायंगफिलीपींस
फिलीपींस |
Heroes Of The World |