डाटमिको वालुयो के बारे में
Half Indonesian and half Mexican, Djatmiko Waluyo’s father is from Surabaya in Java and trained in Pencak Silat. Growing up, he would always hear tales of his father’s fighting and training, but did not have the opportunity to train in martial arts himself. Thus, he focused on American Football instead. He went to college on an American Football scholarship, but dropped out in order to reconnect with his roots and live in Indonesia.
He learned the language and says he really discovered what it meant to be Indonesian during that period. Waluyo later returned to Mexico City to complete his studies and became interested in wrestling and grappling. In 2009, he made his professional mixed martial debut and won by unanimous decision. Waluyo would go on to compete four more times and emerge victorious on each occasion before signing with ONE Championship in 2016 as a rising talent to watch.
ONE Championship रिकॉर्ड्स
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