Saw_Yan_Paing hero 600x583

सॉ यान पैंग

भार सीमा
154.98 LBS / 70.3 KG
5'6" FT / 170 CM
36 Y
Myaing Ka Lay (Cement Factory)

सॉ यान पैंग के बारे में

Born and raised in the Taw Soon village of Tha Htone in Myanmar’s Mon State, Saw Yan Paing was always a passionate fan of lethwei. However, he was only able to start proper training at the Myaing Ka Lay Cement Factory when he turned 16, and he has not stopped ever since.

A loyal student, he is still training there today more than a decade later, and has made great headway in the sport under the guidance of head coach Moe Pearl. Alongside training partners such as fellow ONE Championship athlete Tha Pyay Nyo, Saw Yan Paing has steadily been expanding his skill set for mixed martial arts competition.

He made a successful professional debut in October 2016 at ONE: STATE OF WARRIORS, and made it to the finals of the ONE Myanmar Featherweight Tournament. Unfortunately, he fell short of becoming champion that same night, falling to Phoe Thaw, but is still determined to capture a title one day.

ONE Championship रिकॉर्ड्स

इवेंट के रिजल्ट्स

रिजल्ट खेल तरीका राउंड तरीका और राउंड प्रतिद्वंद्वी प्रतिद्वंद्वी और इवेंट देश तारीख इवेंट
तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO) TKO
राउंड 1 (3:23)
MMA तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO)
राउंड 1 (3:23)
राउंड 1 (3:23) Phoe_Thaw avatar 500x3451
फो थव
State of Warriors
सर्वसम्मत निर्णय UD
राउंड 3 (5:00)
MMA सर्वसम्मत निर्णय
राउंड 3 (5:00)
राउंड 3 (5:00) Ye_Yint_Aung Avatar 500x345
ये यिंट आंग
State of Warriors