Shwe Sin hero 600x583

शॉ सिन

भार सीमा
115.08 LBS / 52.2 KG
5'1" FT / 155 CM
29 Y
Mway Hout Min Gym

शॉ सिन के बारे में

Shwe Sin is the child of rubber farmers, and began training in lethwei when she was 14 years old as a hobby. By the time she was in tenth grade, she decided to drop out of school to focus full-time on training and competing. Shwe Sin then racked up an impressive lethwei record against elite competition, and recently added grappling to her skills in anticipation of her ONE Championship debut.

She remains committed in chasing her dream of being a full-time athlete and competitor, and already achieved the first stage of her goal by earning a place in the world’s largest martial arts organization, ONE Championship.

ONE Championship रिकॉर्ड्स

इवेंट के रिजल्ट्स

रिजल्ट खेल तरीका राउंड तरीका और राउंड प्रतिद्वंद्वी प्रतिद्वंद्वी और इवेंट देश तारीख इवेंट
तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO) TKO
राउंड 1 (0:24)
MMA तकनीकी नॉकआउट (TKO)
राउंड 1 (0:24)
राउंड 1 (0:24) Bozhena_Antoniyar avatar 500x345
बोजेना अँटोनियर
Quest for Gold
फ़र॰ 23, 2018
म्यांमार फ़र॰ 23, 2018
Quest for Gold
फ़र॰ 23, 2018