5 Of Alain Ngalani’s Wildest Instagram Videos From January 2020

It is a new year and a new decade, and Alain “The Panther” Ngalani continues to find new ways to break the internet with his impressive feats of athleticism.
For the past couple of weeks, the four-time Muay Thai and Kickboxing Heavyweight World Champion has entertained fans with his daring adventures, his razor-sharp martial arts techniques, and his unbelievable fitness routines.
Now, as the month winds down, take a look at five of the Hong Kong resident’s wildest Instagram videos from January 2020.
#1 Cartwheeling On The Beach
At the beach, “The Panther” effortlessly incorporates a one-handed cartwheel, a forward flip, and a regular cartwheel into his run on the sand.
#2 A New Way Of Preventing Smoking
In his latest campaign to prevent individuals from smoking, Ngalani uses his trademark spinning heel kick to literally kick a cigarette out of someone’s mouth.
#3 An Innovative Fitness Routine
Like his namesake in the animal kingdom, “The Panther” is strong, supple, and agile. Unfortunately for his rivals, this apex predator also combines his athleticism with martial arts prowess.
#4 Push-Ups With A Purpose
If you thought the Hong Kong hulk wasn’t recovered from his hand injury, then think again. “The Panther” performs a variety of push-ups on his knuckles, his fingertips, his wrists, his palms, and even the back of his hands.
#5 Going For A Hike
Just in case anyone forgot, Ngalani never skips leg day – even when he is on a hike.
Read more: Alain Ngalani Reveals How His Martial Arts Career Started By Chance