Witchayakorn_Niamthanom hero 1200x1165 1 600x583

วิชญกรณ์ “SuperBenz” เนียมถนอม

169.98 ป. / 77.1 กก.
5'10" ฟุต / 180 ซม.
28 ปี
Yorky MMA


MFC Lightweight Tournament Champion Witchayakorn Niamthanom was born and raised in Bangkok, where he had a comfortable upbringing in a family with a successful agricultural business. However, he knew from the time he first saw martial arts competitions on the internet that he wanted to become a professional combat sports athlete.

Known as “SuperBenz,” a nickname derived from his love of Superman and Mercedes-Benz automobiles, Niamthanom first started his martial arts journey with Muay Chaiya, a traditional form of Thai boxing that is a predecessor of the modern sport of Muay Thai.

“”SuperBenz”” later began competing in Muay Thai but soon transitioned to mixed martial arts, winning the MFC Lightweight Tournament in 2017 as an amateur before turning professional soon after to further test his skills.

สถิติใน วัน แชมเปียนชิพ

สถิติใน วัน แชมเปียนชิพ

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การต่อสู้แบบผสมผสาน การซับมิชชัน
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ยก 1 (2:11) Khalid_Friggini avatar 500x345 1
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